
Nossos Pesquisadores

Alfredo Goldman

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Amanda Amado

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Chao Lung Wen

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Daniel Varela Magalhães

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Eduardo Lorenzetti Pellini

Possui graduação (2000), mestrado (2005) e doutorado (2010) em Engenharia Elétrica - ênfase Sistemas de Potencia - pela Escola Politécnica (EP) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Atualmente é Professor Doutor MS-3, em regime de dedicação integral a docência e pesquisa, junto a EPUSP e...

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Elinilson Vital

Master's student in Mechatronics Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, focusing on the theme Cloud Manufacturing Services (CMfgS): Modeling of automated production systems in the cloud. Graduated in Applied Mathematics in Mechanical Control and Automation from the...

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Estêvão Serafim Calera

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Frederico Gomes Pires Azzolini

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Gabriel Corrêa de Oliveira

Graduando do 4º ano de Engenharia Mecatrônica na EESC-USP. Faço IC em visão computacional, mais especificamente na detecção de folhas que dificultam a navegação do robô TerraSentia nas trilhas de plantação.

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Gabriel Lima Araujo

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Glauco Caurin

Engenheiro Mecânico com ênfase em Mecânica Fina pela EESC - USP (1988). Especialista em Mecatrônica (1990) e doutor pelo Institut für Robotik - Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule - ETH - Zurique Suíça (1994). Entre 2010 e 2011 visitou o Newman Laboratory for Biomechanics and Human...

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Gustavo Jose Giardini Lahr

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Helena Machado

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Henrique Toledo

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Igor Soares Frezza

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Jaime Simão Sichman

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Jorge Id Facuri FIlho

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Jose Reinaldo Silva

Bachelor in Physics in UFBA, MSc in Physics in UFPE, MA in Computer Science, Mills College, USA, PhD in Computer Engineering, USP, pos-doc in Computer Science and in Systems Design Engineering, Univ. of Waterloo, Ca. Associate Professor of the Mechatronics and Mechanical Science Dept. of Escola...

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Lucas da Silva Rigobello

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Lucas Toschi de Oliveira

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Marcelo Becker

I received my B.Sc. Mechanical Engineer (ME) degree with emphasis on Mechatronics in 1993 at University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. I received my M.Sc. ME and D.Sc. ME degrees, respectively, in 1997 and 2000 at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil. During my D.Sc. studies I spent 8...

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Paulo Henrique Polegato

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Pedro Pizzigatti Correa

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Ricardo Vilela de Godoy

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Sarita Bruschi

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Tawana Stefanny da Silva

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Tharik José Sorrino dos Reis

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Vitor Akihiro Hisano Higuti

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